Thursday 23 June 2016

A letter from the Three Little Pigs

Today we received a mysterious letter in the mail! But when we opened it we discovered that there was no writing on it! After some clever thinking, we came to the conclusion that it was a secret message written in invisible ink. 

We did lots of testing - used a blue light, a torch, water, Lola's glasses and used different coloured pens to try and figure out what the letter said. After many failed attempts we went to trusty old Google to find out what we needed to do. It said to try and use an iron, luckily Miss Laing had a iron in her school bag! 

We ironed over the letter to find that it was a letter from the Three Little Pigs asking if we could help them because the Big Bad Wolf had blown their houses down! 

Then we wondered... How did the pigs write the letter? We experimented and thought that they could have used lemon juice. We had a go ourselves! 

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